Played Beta multiplayer Call of Duty: Vanguard – quickly, violently and without surprises

It often seems to write about the next Call of Duty It is pointless. Since the series has decided on a winning format, new parts differ from each other not much more than annual issues of sports simulators. Explosions became a little more beautiful, a slightly more diverse setting, the arsenal of the weapon was… Continue reading Played Beta multiplayer Call of Duty: Vanguard – quickly, violently and without surprises

With faith in the user. Tron Evolution

WHAT? New game in the universe "Throne", dedicated to the release of the second part of the film. WHERE? Vancouver, Office Propaganda Games. The 1982 throne movie “Throne” was seen and remembered today perhaps the advisable movie guides. Meanwhile, he almost solely determined the visual style of a modern cyberpunk, and at the same time… Continue reading With faith in the user. Tron Evolution

Non -central processor. General purpose calculations of the graphic processor

Today, perhaps, only the lazy did not hear about graphic processors involved in general calculations. Thundered around the world NVIDIA CUDA , I collected the audience AMD Firestream , They caught up with the fog Opencl And DirectX 11 , made his court Intel. In general, no one was standing aside – one way or… Continue reading Non -central processor. General purpose calculations of the graphic processor

Beautiful and hot. Review and MSI Stealth M15 Test 10 Nm from Intel

In 2020 Intel showed us the second generation of their processors at the 10-nm technology process. True, she did this only in the mobile segment, and even then only in his "office-working" part. The 11th generation models received a very promising architecture with 19% an increase in tact operations, but, unfortunately, limited themselves to only… Continue reading Beautiful and hot. Review and MSI Stealth M15 Test 10 Nm from Intel

Alexey Drunin (ABVER) about Starcraft 2 and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Blizzard announced in March last year, and then few could imagine how popular it would become after a few months, because the card games had not previously been specially successful. Now in Hearthstone As if almost everyone plays in a row – streams of popular players regularly collect tens of thousands… Continue reading Alexey Drunin (ABVER) about Starcraft 2 and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Natural Selection 2

Published in 2002 Natural Selection , Free mod to the first Half-Life , looked like an ordinary team shooter. Map – orbital station, aliens against people. Aliens are born in hives, people emerge from portals. Fangs and claws against machine guns. But it was worth playing longer, it turned out that everything was not so… Continue reading Natural Selection 2

Everything regarding.

You may know about the sensitive area on the inside of the hips or under the knees. But do you know where the male point G is located? Now try to reveal the sensual potential of the “divine” sacral rhombus. Here is a small (and far from exhaustive) lesson of erogenous anatomy. Doctors distinguish two… Continue reading Everything regarding.

The key to a happy marriage is realistic expectations

It often happens that a person marries and soon understands that the spouse or spouse begins to annoy him – of course, not constantly, but much more often than he expected. In fairy tales and love novels, life in marriage is easy and carefree, and happiness continues forever, without any effort. Why doesn’t happen in… Continue reading The key to a happy marriage is realistic expectations

“I feel longing and I don’t understand what I want to do”

From the ninth grade she lost interest in studying. After school, she entered the paid department of the faculty of management. This direction never attracted, but there were no other options: the rest of the specialties in the city are designed for a mathematical mindset, and I am a humanist. Recently got married, sitting at… Continue reading “I feel longing and I don’t understand what I want to do”