With faith in the user. Tron Evolution

WHAT? New game in the universe "Throne", dedicated to the release of the second part of the film.

WHERE? Vancouver, Office Propaganda Games.

The 1982 throne movie “Throne” was seen and remembered today perhaps the advisable movie guides. Meanwhile, he almost solely determined the visual style of a modern cyberpunk, and at the same time installed fashion on him. It was a ridiculous, naive, sometimes frankly stupid story about the world inside the computer, about the rational programs inhabiting it, about the races on light cycles and flights on light sailboats. Computer games were just starting to come into fashion, three color pixels on the screen produced an effect similar to the Lumier "train arrival".

The Throne romanticized the events taking place on your hard drive inside the processor, between the transistors of the motherboard. There, inside, there was a marvelous new world, about the structure of which we knew almost nothing, which means that any story could be composed about it. It was possible to dress people in luminous costumes and call them with files, one could imagine the fight against the virus as a shootout Jinx Casino sister sites of “good” and “bad”. 28 years ago, the world was still naive enough to believe in such nobility.

Every second person in the industry in childhood was certainly in love with the film by Stephen Lizberger, and Indie Guru from Introversion dedicated to him their main game, Darwinia. This winter, the “throne” returns – Tron: Legacy, which continues the story started 28 years ago, is released on the screens. And the side on the side with him is marched by Tron: Evolution, the new action from Propaganda Games.

(P) Evolution

The presentation of Evolution Darren Hedges, the game director of the project, begins with the demonstration of the old Legacy trailer. A familiar world asceticly marked by neon strokes, two light cycles rush somewhere (the eye is noted by the modern design of the machines-they used to look different), the eye is frowning. But when the video ends, Darren first states: “Tron: evolution – not a game on the film. We just use the popular universe that we love ourselves ". The story with Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned , which is also developed in Propaganda and about which we wrote a few numbers back.

According to Darren, Tron: Evolution is a kind of bridge between the original film and the sequel. "In the world of" throne "very important events take place that will forever change it. And you will become a witness and a participant in these events, ”the director calls himself.

Darren does not yet apply that it is in virtual reality, but explains that we will play for the program created by Kevin Flynn, the main character of the first film, who decided to figure out what threatens the calmness of a digital country. By the way, if you follow the canon, this automatically means that the center of Legacy will have the face of Jeff Bridges. A little later it turns out that this is not entirely true: one of the tasks that the authors set for themselves is to ensure that the player associate himself with the hero. Therefore, the character all the time will be worn by a light -cycle helmet with an almost opaque rampage.

Confronts the nameless (so far) Virus program named Abraksas, which literally spreads pathogenic miasms around itself. “In reality, if you go along the street and sneeze at someone, then no noticeable changes in your visual impurities will happen,” Darren is sitting, “and in the computer world, if you are a virus, then you should touch something, How this subject or person is immediately infected, and the infection will not just hit his body – it will be noticeable ". Simply put, Abraxas desecrates the world of "throne" with its presence. Worthy opponent, you will not say anything.

The details of the plot of Evolution are covered with darkness, but the authors are ready to explain how they are going to tell it. For example, the throne City, a kind of capital of the virtual world, promise to make a full-fledged character. The city will change during the plot, reflecting the changes taking place in the universe.


What is a "throne", and why did it return in time.

The moderate commercial success of the Tron movie more than redeems its cult status. The Throne launched the processes in motion, which, after twenty years, led to the death of 2D animations and a crushing march of three-dimensional special effects on wide screens. Then, in 1982, Tron seemed a bold experiment: dressed up in strange plain suits, actors were removed almost without scenery, which were then painted right on the film using the rotoscope technique using special emulsion paint. Many actors, looking at the set and not finding the usual scenery there, refused to act. Disney's full -time animators refused to work in the project, fearing that Tron would deprive them of their work. The story of Hacker Kevin Flynn (he was played by the young Jeff Bridges, the future “Big Lebovski”), who was locked inside the computer and was forced to participate there in gladiatorial battles, despite the ridiculous dialogs (“You believe in the user?") And a stupid plot, gave rise to fashion for everything related to computers, future and video games.

28 years later, Tron returns: in 3D format and with a grand budget. The creative problem of Tron: Legacy is that its corporate visual style is too simple and ascetic for modern blockbusters. The fact that in the 82nd year was an elegant artistic solution in 2010 turned into an artistic problem. To solve it in Disney, it seems, they have found an ideal person. The sequel takes the debutant Joseph Kosinsky (www.Josephkosinski.com), who had previously been engaged in … advertising video games. Kosinsky is known primarily as a director of grandiose commercials for GEARS of WAR 1-2 (set on the game engine using intra -game models and decorations) and Halo 3. In general, Tron seems to be in the right hands.

28 years later

Darren compares the evolution of the world of Tron with the evolution of the image of Batman in the cinema: “In the 70s, when Adam West played, everything looked as frustrated as possible. Then Tim Berton came with his neo -Gogo (two monstrous films by Joel Schumacher are prudently omitted) and, finally, Christopher Nolan with his Batman, who is much more like a hero of original comics ”.

There is about the same. The creators of the first “throne” paid a lot of attention to small details, even their heroes were covered with a knitting luminous lines. The same universe of the 2010 model looks simpler and cleaner – the experience of industrial design accumulated by mankind in almost three decades affects.

To illustrate his words, Darren displays the image of the original and new light cycles onto the screen. The old model has massive wheels, an arcuate roof, and the pilot sits in the cabin. The new one has retained the main features, but at the same time it has changed noticeably: there are no more cabins and roofs, and a curved silhouette familiar to all fans is created thanks to the pilot silhouette.

Speaking of technology. If in the previous interactive transformation of "throne", Tron 2.0 from Monolith , Racing on light cycles was more likely to a chimple of the main gameplay, in Evolution they promise to turn them into something special. As for you, for example, the idea of ​​multi -user races in which cars can be rotated not only at right angles (as in the original film and the previous game), riders are transferred with deadly throwing discs and at any moment can jump off the lights? Propaganda Games are proud of their multiplayer and without a twinge of conscience say that no one has ever done anything similar.


When the conversation comes to the Evolution combat system, Darren describes it as a “mixture of Parru and Capoeira”. Developers promise to make battles fascinating for players of any level. “Our goal,” Darren pumps the assembled journalists, “make sure that, on the one hand, my ten -year -old daughter, after watching the movie, can start the game and enjoy it, and on the other, the guys would like you to take the gamepad and say would: wow, but a deep thing!"

Traditionally, management was the first simplification. The words “context” and “automatic” are sounded, and then the addition follows: “We understand that many players simply hide the buttons, and they, in principle, will have a chance in the Evolution, – reporting this important fact, Darren demonstrates a series of simple kicks And Pychkov – but if you like to fight beautifully, we have a lot of combo and special receptions for you "for you". But behind these words something incredible follows. The character literally flies in level, bounces off the walls, lift the enemy on the left, right, from above and almost from below. In Propaganda it is called High Mobility Combat. More than once or two, a throwing disc is used – another symbol of the “throne”, at the same time weapons and identity card.

As Darren says, the complexity or simplicity of the combat system will depend primarily on your personal preferences, but a lot of. For example, in addition to foot battles, there will be battles using equipment in Evolution, and during the execution of acrobatic numbers (the developers respond to them as Ninja-Like Accrobatics), it will be possible to use not only floor and walls as platforms, but also, for example,, for example,, for example , all the same technique and even other characters (here the hero, which is induced by Darren, really pushes away from the enemy and flies up). Well, and most importantly, all these opportunities can be combined in the battle: acrobatics, equipment, disk, hand -to -hand combat.

Finally, the authors repeat the word "vertical" several times. Darren explains that, firstly, you will have to climb over high-rise buildings and other objects of impressive sizes (on the screen-an hangar has increased several times for solar sailboats since 1982), and secondly, he will personally try to do everything, what will be in his power, so that you are scared to look down. Well, the combat system, as we have already seen, allows you to lead a fight, using all three dimensions as much as possible.

* * *

Alas, this is almost all that is known today about Tron: Evolution. It remains only to add that Propaganda Games, according to employees, works very tightly with the creators of the new film. It is clear that from the title of "Games in the Film", Evolution is disconnected only for view. By and large, we are most likely observing the last wave of branded games for films: even Ubisoft , who until recently served all major modern movie blockbusters, announced that their interest in this area of ​​activity is rapidly fading away.

The secret, of course, is simple: in order to acquire the corresponding products, except for orthodox fans of a broad-screen original, this should be a really good game. As for Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned there is no special doubt, but Tron: Evolution is clearly connected with the film of the same name much stronger ties. How much this circumstance will interfere with him – we will find out this winter.

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