Marriage Not Dating Ep 11 2014Kdrama Engsub Romance, Comedy Cttro

Turns out, his mom put his apartment up for rent. Mom and son obviously have a very tense relationship and Mom actually threatens Gi Tae that if he doesn’t want to move back home then he better bring the girl she invited. Gi Tae automatically connects the dots and realizes that the missing lady that Jang Mi was talking about want in fact his mom. Hoon Dong waves for Gi Tae to come help but he gets ignored.

So far, this is one of the few dramas I’ve watched that managed to draw me in from the start to the end. Usually, I get bored half way through and find myself FF all the annoying and useless bits. But I thoroughly enjoyed each and every episode of this one! Even the ones with Se-ah and Yeo-reum cockblocking the leads. I mean, they are pretty annoying at times. But somehow I get the satisfaction of seeing the leads jealous of seeing one another with their own respective cockblocker hahaha.

Marriage Not Dating’s reluctant groom and eager bride

Then she surprises everyone by saying that she did it so she could figure out the perfect wedding gift for them. In the morning, Ki-tae panics when he gets a message from Se-ah that she’s with his mother at the salon. She reassures him that she hasn’t told his mother what she knows…yet. She warns that he’d better stop avoiding her calls, or she might just accidentally let it slip that his engagement is fake.

I love Sunhwa and Jinwoon but omg their characters are so annoying. Then the bestfriend was just annoying too. Thank you guys so much for the great recaps and insight you’ve provided and to all the commenters who left such great comments about the show as well.

Favorite Drama Recaps

He finally says that she’s pathetic and that it’s over. Ki-tae and dad drink to celebrate together again and are rather of the time, Jang-mi sloshed comes home. She wants to know marriage he does, and he babbles only did he not want their hard reviews to go waste. And more, Ki-tae makes the cutest faces drunk ever. That’s the worst second lead description ever.

Han Groo acting is seriously superB!! I miss Jang Mi even when I had finish watch the episode twice. He uses his eyes and small gestures to depict his emotions. He is not TOO good looking but is really good to look at. He can make you FEEL for him even when he is the villain (and NOT a lot of people can do this ok!!???). And I too have drawn the Ha Ji-won connection, particularly in light of Han Groo’s badassery in Girl K. She just throws herself fully into whatever her characters demand of her.

I just loved everything and everyone so much, and the chemistry was great. Hatae was fantastic to watch, from their blind dates to falling in love to becoming a couple, despite all the odds. I love how they never broke up because…reasons, and they pushed through to the end. Same goes for the second leads, they were fun to watch too. Food Dev Team 1 were great side characters as well. I’m really not a fan of the crazy female trope, if she doesn’t calm down in the next few episodes I don’t know that I’ll keep watching.

The latest trouble is because Mom worries that her parents’ bar will make Jang-mi look bad to her restaurateur boyfriend. She gets spotted by a snooty ajumma who turns out to be Hoon-dong’s mother, since Jang-mi of course went to his house looking for the wrong mom. His mother calls her a stalker and regales her with the terrible things Hoon-dong said about her, including the hotel proposal that terrified her poor son. Hoon-dong still isn’t answering any of Jang-mi’s calls, and she wistfully remembers the good times when they were first starting out.

But that’s more like lusting over someone rather than thinking they’re attractive. I was rooting for them for the first half of the show but when Hari finally confessed her feelings, I didn’t feel any excitement whatsoever. I also kind of LegitDatingSites hate how they changed Taemu’s entire character once he fell in love. He’s supposed to be this workaholic but the moment he fell in love he’s a completely different person. To the point that it’s hard to believe or take him seriously.

I liked the portrayal of the leads and their families best here – including grandma, aunt, even sleazy dad and his mistress. Hoon-dong was funny once you get past the first few episodes where he was quite repulsive – and he did get his comeuppance in the shape of his wife (insert evil grin here). His wife and mother I didn’t much care for.

I watched a few early episodes on the weekend and in one of the few clear pictures we get of a twins right profile … There were two faint moles on the temple of the twin that came to YDs office. But I haven’t been able to see them in the first couple of episodes after that one. They weren’t on the brother who committed suicide but I haven’t spotted them on IC either. His loneliness broke my heart (again). Omg I have misunderstood the meaning of Makjang dramas for way too long.

Wealthy plastic surgeon Gong Ki Tae is a successful and happy bachelor who does not want to find himself a wife. He believes that his life is perfectly planned, and being single is the only option he accept. However, his family is badgering him to marry. It’s interesting to note that both Gi Tae and Jang Mi comes from families that don’t have a history of the most ideal marriages. It’s obvious that both of their parents have some serious issues and were probably not the best roles models of a perfect marriage. I’d say the reason why Gi Tae is so marriage-phobic is that he grew up watching his parent’s deteriorating marriage and decided that love and marriage don’t last and that he’ll never get married.

I think that as viewers we would feel cheated if they spend 16 episodes reconciliating only to discover at some point that it was a big misunderstanding. In this case it can get awkward because she thinks he cheated. I hope that situation gets resolved early on or at the very least there’s a good balance with the interactions until she finds out the truth. In the beginning I hated the premise, but now I find the scenes between main lead’s extremely interesting and layered. Tropes done right, really right … Can make a really good story 😀 while the shallow renditions for cardboard characters …