Seeing Your Ex Partner Getting Into A New Relationship Is Often Devastating, Here’s What To Do

If you weren’t compatible, there’s a likelihood the relationship would have been bad for both of you and was never meant to be. Basically, it’s keeping you in limbo, unable to process the loss and move on because you’re still hoping to rekindle the relationship. “I know it can feel cold to go no contact, but it might be for the best if you’re trying to heal,” says Madden. Block ‘em on Facebook, Instagram, whatever, and delete any texts—and stick to your decision to go cold turkey if you’re sure you want to cut ties. If the breakup has been rather recent and you are feeling that you may want to get back together then perhaps you need just a little more cooling off time.

He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy. Meditation is a great practice to get over this. It can help you separate yourself from the negative thoughts that appear throughout the day. Maybe you can’t stop these painful fantasies from arising.

So she’s the one who’s helping him heal now so that he’s able to love her wholeheartedly just like he loved you not too long ago. He was probably trying really hard to get over you – to move on and let himself heal – but along the way, he met her. I know that it hurts to see your ex dating someone new, but if he truly cheated on you, then you shouldn’t let yourself dwell on those emotions.

My ex is dating someone else already and it hurts

Cutting off contact with your ex is the most important next step to get over an ex. Initially, it can feel like an extremely hard journey but you have to endure all the pain to reclaim yourself. It includes no catching up , no calls, no texting, and no keeping tabs. Sherman says if you’re hearing every detail and story about the former relationship, it’s probably a sign that your partner hasn’t moved on.

You’ll probably need at least a little time and space immediately after the breakup before you can start trying to be friends with your ex. “There has to be enough distance between the old romantic partnership and the new friendship you are trying to build,” Cullins explains. “Being friends with your ex can be a good idea when other aspects of the relationship were valuable to your growth, development, or life goals,” she explains. When you hang out, Gordon suggests “keeping it light.” In other words, don’t make it weird. When you see your ex for the first time, you may feel a strong desire to rehash the past and process the breakup. Even though you have a past, remember that you’re forming a new friendship and starting fresh, so treat it like you would any new friendship.

If your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend started seeing someone else right away or soon after the breakup, the best thing you can do is to do nothing. Not only is it unnecessary, but it’s also making it harder for you to detach and find your happiness. You now need to become emotionally independent so you can once again worry about things that actually matter. I’d like you to know that the reason your ex is dating someone else already has nothing to do with what you were like in a relationship with your ex. People who monkey-branch into a new relationship shortly after the breakup usually do so to get the most out of their life.

Don’t just let your mind fill up with negativity. There’s no escaping your ex once you get wrapped up in the curiosity of knowing more. Don’t stay in contact, and don’t go looking for information either. Don’t try anything below the belt like spreading naked photos or cheap comebacks like that.

Try to Be Happy for Your Ex

Feelings of jealousy, self-consciousness, sadness, and anger are prevalent in such an emotionally-charged situation. If you want to heal and be friends with your ex in the near future, Gordon says it’s best to disengage on social media. “It requires a lot of self-discipline to avoid stalking your ex’s social media. It’s unhealthy, and muting them on social media will help. Think about how many more productive, healthy activities you could be doing instead of stalking your ex on social media,” she explains.

You have broken up with your ex and now you are single. If you want to learn how to move on from a breakup, you need IWantBlacks to stop avoiding the truth and face it head-on. Wallowing and self-pity are totally acceptable after a heartbreak.

What can you do to deal with the fact your ex already has someone else in their life? The steps listed below could become invaluable, on your journey to accepting both yours and your ex’s new situation. It’s important for you to know the answer and analyze your feelings about it. The answer to that might just help you heal and move on with your life, past the grief of separation. “I’ve been replaced by someone new”, “He/She never really loved me”, may be some of the thoughts passing through your mind.

While it’s tempting to sweep feelings of longing or hurt under the rug and just carry on, it’s better for your mental health to admit your feelings. When you avoid dealing with what you saw or heard, it becomes problematic. This final category covers those of you whose breakups happened several months ago. If you and your ex have been broken up for more than three months and he has now started dating then this may not be a rebound relationship. Regardless of the length of your relationship, it can be emotionally draining and can lead to confusing stages. Sadness, betrayal, loneliness, and anger can engulf you.

Don’t try to find out about every little detail of his new relationship. To avoid more damage since you will see him with his new muse often, you better stay away from social media for a while. It may be too hard to bear alone, so you can share with your best friend.

What can you do when your ex is dating someone else?

Before we dive in, I have some good news for you. By the way, many of these relationships that ex partners get into right after a break up are nothing but rebound relationships that typically do not last very long. Though this is one of the most common reactions to finding out that your ex is dating someone new, I want to highlight the importance of never comparing yourself to the new person. Many times, when I’m working with someone in this situation, they’ll start asking things like, “What does she have that I don’t? ” I can tell you right now that these types of thoughts are very destructive and will not get you anywhere.

The pain of it comes to the very forefront of your mind and it is combined with a surge of doubts in terms of your odds of success. This dream is a consequence of worry, jealousy, or insecurity. You might have thought about it a lot and thought he was endangering your relationship. Jealousy is normal, but be careful not to overdo it.