“I feel longing and I don’t understand what I want to do”

From the ninth grade she lost interest in studying. After school, she entered the paid department of the faculty of management. This direction never attracted, but there were no other options: the rest of the specialties in the city are designed for a mathematical mindset, and I am a humanist. Recently got married, sitting at home. There are no friends, there is no one to talk to, my husband is not ready to listen to my problems, he began to pay less attention. Apathy appeared, depression. I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to work.

Daria, it is important to find what will interest you. After school you have chosen a specialty that is not close. It is unlikely that marriage will help fill the inner void. Close people, husband can support, give advice, but no one will decide for you than you want to do.

Husband friends can become your friends, but this does not always happen. Therefore, it is important to get acquainted with those who are interesting. Your age just suggests a search for yourself, the realization of your abilities.

If now it seems to you that nothing is of interest, remember what you liked in childhood. Find out what people around are doing. Ask your husband to tell what tasks his colleagues perform. Look on the Internet, what professions exist and what skills are needed in order to master them. Try to track what is of interest and internal response.

Do not strive

to solve the problem in one evening, but try to learn something new every day. You write that your city has a small selection of faculties for education. Distance learning is becoming popular now. So you can study what you are interested in without leaving your hometown. The main thing is to determine in which direction you want to develop.

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