Am I Dating A Clingy Boyfriend? 13 Uncomfortable Signs

I deal with a lot of failed relationships every day. When I was in high school a very long time ago I knew a guy that would get angry at his girlfriend for the dumbest things. I remember he once told me that when he was over at her house she left the room without him. One of the most difficult things to work on is being less clingy, especially if you are already an extremely clingy person. While some people may think it’s OK to be clingy, you may be damaging yourself and your relationship more than you know.

The clinginess that you exhibit in your relationships can transfer to your friendships. Being the person who’s always begging for love and attention might become annoying to your friends as well. Needy and clingy partners Dateyou have always gotten a bad rep. It probably doesn’t help that Hollywood tends to portray them as cray-cray. Clingy partners may leave their friends, hobbies, and interests behind in favor of aligning themselves with yours.

Does he have friends that he regularly hangs with? When he speaks of anyone else, is he playing a victim or hero, or does he speak on others at all? All that clingy-ness is indicative of codependency, narcissism, anxiety, depression, borderline personality ….

He’s Overly Happy And Can’t Stand Negative People

We can’t really say which tip will work the best for you; perhaps you’ll have to try more than a few. However, try to end it on a good note, where both of you feel no grudge or animosity against each other. Good luck for a better life ahead, both for you and for him. You need to cut him off by distancing yourself from his life, slowly and steadily. For instance, if it is your task to wake him up in the morning, or to talk to him every day for an hour, start being inconsistent, and eventually stop it. He will fight, argue, and complain, but eventually he will give in and accept.


A clingy man will often seek reassurance from others as well in order to make himself feel like everything is okay. It’s normal to miss people you haven’t seen in a while, but a clingy man will seem to miss you every single hour of the day. Though nice at first, this can quickly become annoying. You start to anticipate them and having to explain yourself, so you decide, rather than deal with the drama of staying out a bit longer, you’ll just make sure you’re home on time.

What Does Clingy Mean? 16 Signs You’re Being Clingy

If this clinginess makes it difficult for both of you to maintain your own identities, then it might be time to rethink the relationship. Of course, you want a boyfriend who makes you his priority and loves you honestly. But you also need a man who can spend time alone and give you space without needing your constant company. You might worry that he’ll fall for one and that makes you feel vulnerable.

How to develop a resilient mindset in an uncertain world (6 effective tips)

“I try to coach couples around defining the boundaries that feel good for them. “So it’s something that every couple is going to have to navigate for themselves. And it’s definitely tricky when you’re just dating and not really talking a ton about what kind of guidelines and rules you want to have for your relationship,” she adds. He told me on our second date that he was laid off from work and unemployed. He initiated most of the time seeing me, and we did a lot that do not require money.

It’s so hard to let go I think he just needs to see I can have self control of my emotions. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2.5 years. We worked together and he was broken over his ex and I needed a place to stay, so I moved in with him he asked me to be his girlfriend within 2 days. At first, he was very jealous, controlling, emotional… etc. I would say the first year and a half he was the needy one.

Having a general idea of what you’re up to isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can quickly become unhealthy if your partner tries to take authority over what you do in your spare time. If your partner reacts negatively at the prospect of your hanging out with your friends without them, that’s a sign to pay attention to. According to Martinez, a clingy person will often spend much of the time spent away from their significant other worrying about what they’re doing. For you, a night out might seem like a chance to let off steam and catch up with friends — for them it could translate to a night home worrying on the couch. If you’ve been dating a guy for a very short period of time, but he already wants to spend every second of every day with you, be careful because this is a serious red flag! This particular type of needy guy wants to spend so much time with you that he’s willing to invite himself out with you and “the girls,” and that’s a big problem.

If he wants to see you multiple days in a row, including both weekend nights, it’s a sign that you’re probably his one-and-only. When a guy is dating multiple women, he’ll see one on Friday and another on Saturday to see who will eventually rank higher on the dating totem pole. No matter how you met him — online, on Bumble, or through friends — there’s nothing more exciting than the beginning of a new relationship with a great new guy. It’s not healthy and wise to expect you to be his singular source of joy and happiness.

This is healthy and necessary for balance in our lives. A controlling man doesn’t see it this way, even if he has his own female friends, because he can’t deal with the perceived competition from other men. If a man gives you the feeling he wants to ‘direct’ you, rather than connect with you, he has control issues. This is because control issues stem from feelings of being threatened and ‘out of control’.

But in some situations such as dating, women sacrifice a lot and let their partners get off with quite a bit when they don’t take ‘no’ very well. This can become a problem when you exercise your right to say ‘no’ and instead of respecting your decision, he tries to convince you to change your mind. These types of men, who are constantly in a relationship, may seem highly attractive to you because it must mean that they are a great partner, right? Well, not exactly, someone who is never single is a red flag because it demonstrates that they have codependency issues.

If a guy is clingy, he’ll be too engaged in your life and business. In summary, he’ll be excessively attached to you and may even get upset if you ask or demand your own privacy. Needy men can be self-gratifying so they’re usually takers, they’ll want to take a lot of your attention, your space, even certain aspects of your life and energy. By now I believe we’ve well established that a needy man is not at all self-sufficient. He depends on others to reassure him that he’s worthy of anything. He constantly feels the need to voice out his accomplishments to others, he feels more accepted by people this way.

You become so threatened by Tina that you forbid me to ever text another girl for the rest of my life. In fact, if you ever catch me texting another girl throughout our relationship you threaten to break up with me. Lets say that you and I are currently in the middle of a relationship.