Everything regarding.

You may know about the sensitive area on the inside of the hips or under the knees. But do you know where the male point G is located? Now try to reveal the sensual potential of the “divine” sacral rhombus. Here is a small (and far from exhaustive) lesson of erogenous anatomy. Doctors distinguish two… Continue reading Everything regarding.

The key to a happy marriage is realistic expectations

It often happens that a person marries and soon understands that the spouse or spouse begins to annoy him – of course, not constantly, but much more often than he expected. In fairy tales and love novels, life in marriage is easy and carefree, and happiness continues forever, without any effort. Why doesn’t happen in… Continue reading The key to a happy marriage is realistic expectations

“I feel longing and I don’t understand what I want to do”

From the ninth grade she lost interest in studying. After school, she entered the paid department of the faculty of management. This direction never attracted, but there were no other options: the rest of the specialties in the city are designed for a mathematical mindset, and I am a humanist. Recently got married, sitting at… Continue reading “I feel longing and I don’t understand what I want to do”