Akella has long known the secret of large sales. Hot theme, preferably – slippery. Loud name, preferably – already "lighted up". Loud name, preferably – even louder.
The first game from the Dilogy "Archives of the NKVD", "Operation" Valkyrie ", can boast of all three components of popularity according to the version of the publisher. An uninhabited topic that allows you to easily find your consumer. The recently released Hollywood blockbuster, the audience of which can purchase a product with a similar name. The one -eyed Tom Cruise, “shared” at the last moment (read: before the release of the game) with its bandage for the cover of the disk.
And what happiness that all these terms are the essence of the external factor, advertising. Forget about the film and its story, turn the poster of the handsome crook in a tube and put it on the cabinet, away. We have a completely independent game, and not at all accompanying the product: original, interesting, fascinating.
"Valkyrie" or?
I have been working with Hitler for many years, I see him almost daily, and, however, there are times when I do not understand him at all … Is he really a person? I could not swear in it. There are times when he causes me a trembling.
Joseph Goebbels
So, before us is the “classic”, as it is now customary to say, a quest, almost without arcade elements in the form of time restrictions or firing on targets. And the quest is very solid. We must start with the fact that the developers, Spline, began to work on the game at the beginning of 2007. Fulfilling the orders of various third -party companies, Spline has been well tidy. And having released their first project, the Valkyrie Operation, showed themselves from a very, very good side.
The first thing that catches the player is the plot. To the notorious archives of the same NKVD, the developers were not allowed. At all. However, this did not prevent them from inventing a reliable and fascinating story, competently defeating historical facts.
It is known that Hitler was committed more than forty attempts. Führera was damn – so that even in the highest, close to Hitler circles there were rumors about his mystical abilities. In fact, of course, everything is explained by Hitler’s paranoid mania, as well as competent preparation and prevention of possible sabotage. Which nevertheless did not stop the conspirators ..
We play for the Russian intelligence officer Mikhail Ivanov, under the name Gerhard Detlef Mayer introduced in 1935 in the Gestapo. Its main task is closer to the second half of the Second World War, the liquidation of Adolf Hitler is the elimination.
The game consists of two episodes: "Operation" Valkyrie "and" Operation "Adlerchorst". In the first episode, we have to reveal a group of conspirators who came up with the use of Valkyrie for their own purposes, and try to save them from death. The action takes place in Berlin. Mayer gradually goes to the conspirators, aimed at helping them. But they do not sleep in the Gestapo, and soon a corresponding case is started in the RSHA to open the conspirators. Gerhard achieves that this case is entrusted to him. In fact, he does not have time, and the attempt occurs without his knowledge and participation. All that remains for him is to try to save at least one of the conspirators in order to use them in the future.
In the second, Gerhard goes to the castle of Adlerhorst, who, after an unsuccessful attempt by the residence of the Fuhrer. It is sent not just like that, but with the official task of checking personnel. Of course, the true goals are slightly different. Here, Gerhard is already personally engaged in preparing an attempt on Hitler.
The second important aspect of the game is authenticity, compliance with the spirit of time. At the beginning of the game, when we examine literally every centimeter of Mayer’s apartment, we will encounter a detailed description of absolutely all its elements. Gerhard will tell us a detailed story of a picture on the wall, figurines on the fireplace, papers on the desktop, explain the effect of devices and give a brief summary of absolutely everything. And this flow of information will not weaken until the finale. This is due to the addiction of developers to the history of this temporary segment, and the invitation of a special historical consultant, the main task of which was to follow the conformity of information of the time. It can be seen that the work was done colossal.
And it is precisely such a laborious process that allows you to "get rid" with the game, believe in the reality of what is happening. In fact, tell me: why, for example, to the player to know about the history of the name of the name "Opel Blitz"? There is no need, of course, this will not affect the game process itself. But it conveys the spirit of that.
Many consider this a kind of pseudo -enforcing function. It is doubtful, of course, that the crowds of playing after passing the “Valkyrie” will rush on the Internet to look for new information, but this approach to creating games allows, firstly, to think, and secondly, to imbue.
Third – and important – characters. In the early stages of development, the guys from Spline wanted to contact the Germans to make everyone speak their own language in the game. This would be the last touch to authenticity, but the venture was left. And right: by investing the same money in our completely domestic actors and forcing it to give up, you can achieve much more – reliable characters. In quests, as in any other games, this item is very important, and in the "Operation" Valkyrie "it is performed perfectly.
Actors play and sound very convincingly: the characters of the game turned out to be memorable, voluminous, deep, each one feels their own character. Pretty girl-a notorious Nazis, her brother is a patriot-receptionist, a spy that imagines himself legendary, a driver who has his opinion on all his opinion … All the heroes of the game are memorable, unusual, but not archetypal.
Convenient minimalism
The external design of the "Operation" Valkyrie "is pleasant. A picture of the player is given a picture in color, in Sepia and black and white, as if restored from old films. Having tried the black and white option, the player can change the solution at any time and look at the actors' game in Sepia. But these two options are more likely for the same authenticity, the most interesting and pleasant color picture is the most interesting and pleasant.
To achieve the optimal effect, the developers went along the verified path of 2.5D: that is, all models and characters are three -dimensional, and the environment is flat. This made it possible to get well -drawn detailed asses, and also simplified the interaction of models and interior items.
But with the sound it did not work out so well. The sounds themselves are quite at the level, and the music is quite inexpressive. From the available there is a couple of alarming marches, and even a couple of compositions for all occasions. Music also does not correlate with what is happening on the screen: Gerhard can go to bed under the very alarming rhythms. Or hide around the corner, tracking Hitler, under very frivolous motifs.
Trusts the overall picture by a simple and understandable interface. The inventory is located on top, disappearing as unnecessary, if you do not touch it. In it, almost all actions with objects are performed in it. Another element – a map and a magazine – is located in the lower right corner and also disappears if the cursor is not brought to it. And nothing more. An elegant solution that allows you to enjoy the view and not be distracted from what is happening. Honestly, sometimes about the existence of the same inventory, as well as about its contents, you simply forget.
Democracy is the key to success
And finally, the most important thing is the actual quest. I deliberately left this question for sweets – because the gameplay is the last, final – and therefore the most important – the stroke.
Riddles in the game are both fresh and … how to say it … "conservative". For example, the game begins with Mayer's attempts to restore the course of the events of yesterday's “drunk” evening – and find the lost key to the table. The riddle, in principle, is elementary and is solved by a simple breakdown of options. But how interesting and adequately it is done!
Variability has been performed in good traditions: “The Valkyrie operation does not force the player to look for one single true combination. Many tasks have different solutions. For example, “clicking” the trial photos of the surveillance of General Bek, Gerhard will face an obstacle in the form of a pair that leaves the pipe and interferes with the review. You can apply different light filters – or you can just pay the hostess at home, and it will fix the pipeline. The same applies to many tasks: it all depends on your mindset and imagination.
It is also good that these same tasks allow you to calmly think: there are no time restrictions. If the Mayer's partner has already opened a group of conspirators, you can calmly cut a telephone wire connecting a conspiracy apartment with the outside world, and go look for a way of his partner, elimination. During this time, nothing will happen, and if the player has not worried about the search for the same poison earlier, he will have the opportunity to look for a way to reproduce with agent Klaus at the right time.
"The Operation" Valkyrie "is extremely democratic. It is not necessary to have all the skills of the investigator and be Sherlock Holmes, the game is not too complicated. But the developers do not put all the secrets on the surface: if you have rested in a dead end in some situation, you may be worth looking for any object or evidence that escaped your attention.
There will be no tips, so inspect the rich (in the sense – filled with a large number of objects) interiors will have to be very carefully. But here, the developers did everything so that the player was comfortable and easy: the cursor when hovering for a significant item or the object changes shape. So you don't have to engage in "hunting for pixels". Although if desired and in the form of self -education you can – to get the next certificate from Gerhard.
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Games such as "Archives of the NKVD: Hunting for the Fuhrer. Operation "Valkyrie", give a good kick already established abuse "Russian quest". And such a peppy start for the first independent project allows you to hope for numerous interesting games from Spline in the future.
And therefore, we are doubly glad that the direct continuation of the Valkyrie – “Operation“ Bunker ”” soon came out.
Verdict: A fascinating game with excellent external design and logical tasks that will be interesting to both a beginner and an affirmation questoman.
“Mayer. Gerhard Detlef Mayer. Standenfuhrer Gerhard Mayer ". I repeat these words to myself every morning. Already almost ten years. There are many such many years in a foreign land … I so often hear this name that I almost forgot my own – Mikhail Semenovich Ivanov. Colonel of state security. Scout. Spy.
The second nature almost tightly clung to me. Hundreds of objectionable to the Nazi regime pass through my hands every day. And these hands, sending the unfortunate poor fellow to the concentration camp, are already the hands of Mayer, and not Ivanov. The hands of the German patriot. Hands of the Russian Patriot. Hands…
Damn, there was no need to get drunk like this night! But Hefner split.
"Operation" Valkyrie ". Berlin, July 1944
Morning. We must go to work. Call. Telephone.
With these monosyllabic thoughts (and others do not come into this hangover morning) I get out of bed. So, first answer the call.
This is Müller. My direct boss. Requires a report. C-draw! I have to put his finished report on the table today, now. So, you need to answer that the report is almost ready. I have half an hour.
Ready is ready, but only where he? I'll look in the bedroom. Exactly, the first part lies over there. And the second, the second … in the table, undoubtedly. And the key to the table? Key? So, it was there yesterday when I returned? I remember exactly that, when I returned, I went to the bedroom, but immediately returned to the work room. Further? Ah, for sure: I went to the photograph on the fireplace, but then I called the phone, I answered, then I took the folder to the radio. And here she is – and inside the key. Memory did not let me down! She will try to bring with this work, how ..
Total, I already have two parts of the report. The third is probably at work. Oh, the phone again. A telegram came. I need to pick up after work, I won’t have time before – but you still have to shave and generally put yourself in order. Müller hates unshaven Gestapos.
Take a diary, certificate, dress in military uniform – now you can go.
Well, of course, here is the third part of the report – lies on my table. Drink as you want after yesterday! A jug of water. I'll take a little water with me, so, for every fireman ..
Muller's reception. Secretary. Bad news – Müller is out of sorts. And it was once different? The next agent could not cope, the Buck was overwhelmed. Wait, but Beck has already "lit up" somewhere! Hefner, as far as I remember, is entered into the circle of an old general. Maybe it turns out ..
Hale Hitler! And heels-pu-shchelk! Muller. Hates unfinished work and failed agents, because of which Germany cannot win a final victory. And my report is ready, and I have not failed any business yet. I am responsible, I am executive, I am the person who can be entrusted ..
Great! Müller is ready to transfer the case to my hands if I find a suitable conspiracy apartment, from which it will be convenient to follow the back. The case is small. Dossier to Bek? No, it’s too early.
Strange, the secretary of Müller cannot provide the general address. No data. Damn it, this is Gestapo! N-yes, he will have to.
Already approaching my car, I hear a shout. Wow, Conrad. Simple sentry at the entrance to the RSHA. Why were you reduced? I carefully listen to the history of the fall of his boss, in fact reflecting on his. But we must try to help Konrad, this may come in handy in the future. By the way, Conrad, what do you know about Beck? And the address?
In the car we discuss for a long time with the personal driver Wilm about the fate of Germany. It's funny, be in the place of the same Conrad, and even better-Müller is such a guy, a lot has happened differently. But first in the mail, behind the telegram.
Gestapo – Secret State Police of the Third Reich. Gestapo was conceived as a means of combating dissenting and dissatisfied state regime. Gestapo was part of the Ministry of the Interior, being the fourth department of the RSHA.
The secret police had the broadest powers to pursue Hitler’s punitive policy both in Germany itself and in the territories occupied by it. It is important to note that the Gestapo was an independent body: the administrative courts involved in Germany by the control of state institutions, of course, did not have power over the Gestapo. Moreover, the Gestapo had the right to conduct the so -called “preventive arrests”, that is, put in prison or imprisoned concentration camps without a trial.
Gestapo is recognized by the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg by a criminal organization.
Having stopped home to change clothes, I at the same time deciphered the telegram using the Munich Vesti newspaper. The code is very simple – you need to combine written in a telegram with letters from a newspaper. Old trick. The telegram contained the secret code of the conspirators – "Wagner". So, you can get in touch with them. Well, now you can look for a suitable apartment to observe the Buck house.
And here he is, the mansion of the general. Find it turned out to be easy. On the contrary, there is a large residential building, you can probably find a suitable lup. I'll go to know from a woman sweeping the yard. Oh, she and the mistress. This is cool. But there are no free places, all apartments are busy. But something can be invented?
Which was required to prove – one soldier went to war, paying forward. But it does not appear. This is my chance.
It is a pity that the old woman is so sentimental. Wow, I am ready to give me an apartment if I get her tickets in a cabar. Rarely, when I am in a bad mood, I want to put on a SS form and yell. Require. But I'm a scout. In addition, a military uniform can frighten someone. It doesn't matter, get tickets. In the meantime, you can feel the soil under the general.
At the post at the entrance – soldier. Let's call the general. Oh, what is a photograph? This is the famous … but you can take it yourself? Thank you, nameless soldier. I have one acquaintance at work, who is very not indifferent to such photographs. But this is so, lyrics.
And here is the general – inaccessible. Immediately sews me. Well, I did what I could. It will have to be different. Hinting about Wagner, I get something more significant – the seller of newspapers, who knows the coherent in the Gestapo. This is the news – the conspirators have already entered the Gestapo. Let's see who it could be ..
Day promises to be very tense – and on the trip. I put on a form again to go to work. The driver said the tickets in the cabaret can now be sophisticated only at the Gestapo. Damn, I have been working here for so long, but I don't know such trifles! We must run to your colleagues.
Boyzen is very busy, but with pleasure spoke about his train to Switzerland. And at the same time brought a souvenir – a ocular folding knife. Swiss knives are one of the best. You can go to Glok, but he, as usual, is inappropriate and sharp on the tongue. Nazi. And if we give a photo? Here is another matter. Walking around the RSHA and asking about tickets, we stumble on the open window near the corridor in prison. And here is the salesman of tickets in the cabar.
The mistress of the house was delighted like a girl. The key to the apartment is pleasantly cold. The apartment itself turned out to be spacious and bright, and most importantly – with an excellent view of the mansion. So, is everything all right? The phone does not work. We need to see what is the matter – the new knife is very helpful. Removing the lid, I understand that there is simply not enough call. Maybe take from the door and try to adapt? But you have to go to Müller.
Reporting Muller, I swear internally obscenities. Müller thrusts my partner for me, and not get out of any way. Extremely bad news. Well, no one said that it would be easy. Having received the green light, I go to the already familiar window to order equipment for surveillance. It will be necessary to install everything and take trial pictures for the chef. While there is time, it means that it is necessary to use it as efficiently as possible.
I return home again to change into civilian. Which time is already a day? It's time to transfer the cabinet with clothes to the car … Bad forebodings do not allow to concentrate. So, you just need to prepare for the worst and act decisively. In extreme cases, I have one recipe … where did he hurt? A, here, near the garbage basket – I thought it would not be needed. In the bathroom I take the cream from the fungus and mix with water. I collect the resulting mixture in the syringe – fast and easy to prepare poison. If even a little hurt yourself, nothing terrible will happen, but the one who becomes configuration of the entire contents of the syringe will not be greeted!
Now you have to go to a conspiracy apartment and conjure with equipment. Always some overlays … and this time! No, well, is there really no normal working tripod in all of the Gestapo? This is already too much! So, today I went to Glok, it seems, in his corner there was a suitable. Have to return to work.
The newspaper seller discovered near the mail. "Wagner" does its job – the name of the coherent battle. So yes! The funny thing is that he is a radio operator. Surely his trip to rest to Switzerland is somehow connected with the plans of the conspirators. Well, at the same time, let's go to him.
Having changed clothes again, I take the tripod from Glok – he does not mind. I knock on Boyzen, call the password, to which it explodes in the stream of information. So yes! It turns out that the operation to eliminate Hitler, called “Valkyrie”, is prepared right now by some colonel von Staufenberg. Beck? Yes, he will have to help the seizure of power with others. What to do? What a pity that I did not go to the conspirators before! Now it only remains to observe and try to somehow help on occasion. Beck and Hefner are the only significant figures to which I can reach, and in case of failure it will be necessary to try to save them.
I return to the apartment, installing equipment on a new tripod. This is not difficult, the main thing is to choose a lens and not forget the tint pipe. So, the window is covered with steam, it will probably ruin the photos. Ask the mistress to fix the pipeline? You can, but for a long time. And I can't waste time! So I will use light filters. I think yellow is perfect.
Having clicking trial pictures, I take the film and return home to take photos.
The phone breaks: Jurgen Klaus, my unexpected partner. No, the equipment is not ready yet, wait. You can’t get anywhere, you will tolerate, dear.
In the bathroom I turn on the red light and take trial photos. Not too bright and not too dark – just right. Müller will be satisfied.
Leaving the bathroom, I answer again to a phone call. Hefner. Asks to get tickets for a concert. It seems to be a reason to meet and talk. But not a problem, we get it.
With the photos received, I go to Müller, on the way, asking everyone for the concert tickets. Konrad has, but he does not want to give them to. And Müller is very pleased – both a fixed phone and photos. Which should be expected. I want to go to the apartment, but the chef orders to go home. Everyone needs rest.
Oh yes, what about Conrad? It seems to me that he was reduced in vain. He is a smart guy, he would have come up perfectly to the employee of the analytical department. Yes? Well, I'm glad, I will give him this joyful news for him.
Well, Konrad, you are due to you! Tickets for the concert are the smaller thing you can give me in this situation ..
It’s not possible to relax, as usual: a phone call from Klaus makes you go to Beck's house.
Henry Müller was born in 1901 in a family of peasants. Possessing not too high intelligence, he more than compensated for this with perseverance and stubbornness. Until 1933, he served the Weimar Republic, fighting Nazism. But after Hitler came to power, he decided to change the side. Despite the fact that he managed to join the NSDAP only in 1939, already starting in 1935, he actually led the Gestapo.
The widespread patronage of Himmler, who highly appreciated the qualities of Müller as blind submission to discipline and the highest professional competence, allowed him to maintain an independent and dominant position in the structure of the Gestapo. During his career in the Third Reich, Müller rose to the post of chief Gestapo (4th branch of the RSHA) in the rank of Groupenführer SS.
Himmler trusted Müller, instructing him to conduct the most delicate affairs. So, Müller personally was engaged in the investigation of the activities of the underground organization Red Capella, conducted the Blomberg-Frich case. Soon Himmler instructs Henry Muller to lead the "Jewish question". Thus, Müller becomes the main leader of the mass destruction of people. He builds an internal network of concentration camps and organizes the capture of Jews. From all German -controlled lands to gas chambers on the orders of Müller, more than eighty thousand Jews departed in 1943 only in 1943.
Müller's history is mysterious: in the early days of May 1945, he disappeared without a trace. Although many of his compatriots, who returned after the end of the war to his homeland, claimed to see Müller in Moscow. That he allegedly went through the functionaries of the Red Capella for Soviet intelligence and left Germany at the time of delivery. And the same sources claim that Müller died in Moscow in 1948. According to other sources, he was seen after the end of World War II in Chile, Brazil, Argentina ..
In 1973, the name of Henry Muller was included in the list of the wanted list of the most important Nazi criminals.
Yes, Müller knew whom to appoint me partners. This is my complete opposite! Fanatic. A terrible person, like all of them. Made me show pictures myself so that I would be convinced that their importance is huge. As well as his importance, the secret agent of Jurgen Claus, who participated in a good ten brilliant operations and who perfectly understands why the mediocrity like me cannot help the Fuhrer win the war. N-yes. With such it is better not to argue.
Showing the pictures, I find a group of officers on them, including Hefner. Yes, Beck gathered a lot of like -minded people around him. But everything is not as fatal as Klaus claims. I convince him that the officers simply decided to visit the general general, a noble nobleman and Aryan. I suggest him on duty until the evening, and then change it at the camera. On that and diverge. However, suspicions of fatality are growing.
In the meantime, you need to contact the hefner. I propose to him in half an hour to see a restaurant and transfer tickets for a concert there. He agrees.
In the restaurant, Hefner does not have time to explain his presence at Bek (although everything is already clear to me) – his sister appears. A very pretty girl, in a conversation with whom I begin to understand that in front of me is a cold and cynical Nazi beast. A terrible combination of appearance and inner essence! Suddenly a waiter is suitable – a call to me. Hmm, who can know that I am here?
This is Klaus, he, according to him, "covered the whole gang". I urgently need to go to the Lichterfeld area. I apologize to Hefner and his sister.
Klaus is terrible. He splashes foam and shouts that he will take everyone to clean water. There is no time for thought. I quietly go into the corridor and cut the telephone wire – Klaus is furiously rolling up. Now the main thing … I propose to observe the development of the situation, and at that time he himself to take the shot film by Muller. While Klaus takes out the film, I plant a syringe with poison.
There is also a piercing and nasty howl of air anxiety. Really for my soul? F-fuh, even though the heart is ready to jump out of the chest, this time, it seems, I have nothing to do with it.
This is true. Cars with the soldiers came up, it is clear that the city begins to fill with troops. I ask the reasons for the anxiety from the first soldier who came across. He himself really does not know anything, but there are rumors that Hitler was killed. Really?!
Alive. Maybe wounded. But – alive. Each word of the secretary at the entrance of the RSHA seemed to be chained on a hefty nail in the coffin cover. The Valkyrie operation failed.
Müller is furious – of course, the "infection" of the conspirators entered the Gestapo. Everywhere soldiers, corpses, documents are scattered throughout the corridor. What can I do, chef? Help to find all traitors? With joy!
You can not worry about Beck, he himself dug his grave, but the rest … everything is possible. I go around all the rooms. Well, mine is clean, there I did not hold anything suspicious there. But the rest … Boyzen is not in place, probably, when he was taken away, he did not resist. Need to rummage in the papers. Here is a list of conspirators. Great, move on. Glock. It turns out that your words were a mask. You were also among the conspirators – and you also have evidence.
Soldiers in the common room, we must get rid of them. Explaining that I, on behalf of Müller himself, send them to engage in the body of Glok. So it is: here is the list too. Damn, hefner is highlighted here. If you get rid of the list, it will look suspicious. So, it is necessary to somehow remove the name Hefner from it. Ink!
• • •
Müller was pleased that it happened very rarely to him. And once again I earned a reputation as a person who is devoted to the work of the Fuhrer. Another attempt passed without my participation – and she failed. And how many of them have already been?
And in the evening, Khefner, who was rolled up and aged for ten years, burst into me. Why did I not betray it? Because I am a German patriot, and we are friends with him. Perhaps we will have a chance ..
Operation "Adlerhorst". Cygenberg, December 1944
Several months have passed. By truth or by crook, but I managed to knock out from Müller a matter of checking the personnel of the Adlerhorst Castle, which was at that time by the temporal residence of Hitler. The castle, or rather, the secret bunker next to the castle where Adolf was located was very well fortified and protected from almost any attacks. But the chance of a successful attempt remained. In addition, this time Hefner should help me.
The weather was vile, Wilm evenly and confidently drove the car, and I thought about the previous failed attempt – Valkyrie ". But here is the castle – a magnificent gray glimade, surrounded on all sides by the snowy mountains. The sentries at the gate believe the pass, but they do not let go without inspection. Well, I'm honest, I have nothing to hide. Except for a diary that I always carry with me, but it’s definitely not interesting. They believe that only weapons are killing.
Nobody is waiting for me in the lobby – this is even for the better. But the pretty telephone operator Victoria is not averse to answering all my questions. True, these answers are not very meaningful. We must look around. Drunk in the board an officer lies on a sofa next to the fireplace. He for the next few hours – a log and completely useless for me. But immediately in passing it gives a secret about the alleged test of the latest weapons. Hmm, you need to check.
In the dining room, two other officers are trying with all their might to bring themselves to the same state as the previous one. An anenerbe attack aircraft does not allow the library. What is the matter? Apparently, there is someone important. Even a certificate does not help. Okay, this is later.
A great view opens from the windows of my room. On the table is a note of the manager: at night in the castle there is a commandant hour. Picking a bottle of whiskey and chocolate, I go down.
The officers in the dining room do not want to accept the company – they do not like the whiskey, they give them a shnaps. And how else they can distinguish? Maybe that drunkard in the lobby has a reserve? After a couple of questions, https://red-lion-casino.co.uk/ he confesses that you can find a bottle in the library. So, now you need to access the library.
I learn the name of the courier from the naive Victoria, who should notify Himmler (so who is in the library!) about the test of weapons, – Fritz Koch. I did not lie, Canal! The attack aircraft, hearing the name, misses without words. It’s too early to approach Himmler, I’ll look for a shnaps better. And here he. But the bottle is empty. So. I have a full bottle of whiskey, and empty shnapsa. What is needed to make the other way around? That's right, wax and fire.
There is a wax right there, in the library, but what to take it? Well, to find and adapt for this forceps that can be reached nearby is a simple matter. With the newly made bottle "Shnapsa" I go to the drunken. Now they need cigarettes. Here are the same! There is no one to ask, if only on the street. I go out into the courtyard-there the soldier protects some boxes. One of them is ajar, and explosives are clearly bulging from there. Why is she so much here? And around the corner an empty box-they have already blown up something? Hmm, why here in the corner of the cigarette butt? Exactly! Uh, I don’t want to take cigarette butts with my hands, I’ll take a better napkin ..
So, why do we violate the service? A soldier in the courtyard stretched out into a string. We smoke? We leave the post? I know that it will not happen again! Because you will give cigarettes to me. By the way, why are you repeating the word "Victoria" all the time? You are waiting for victory? She is soon already, you’ll wait ..
Henry Himmler (1900-1945.) grew up in the teacher's family. Since childhood, he decided to become a professional military man, but, having successfully graduated from a military school, did not have time for the First World War. In the early 1930s, Himmler joined the NSDAP, restored by Hitler. Both are coming close soon. In 1929, by order of Hitler, Himmler was appointed by the SS Reichsfuhrer. Himmler was closely dealt with by police and secret services, and in 1936 he was appointed the supreme leader of all German police services, both militarized and civilian. Himmler participates in the creation of the first German concentration camp, expanding later their network. Himmler's hard work does not go unnoticed – and in 1943, by order of Hitler, he became the imperial Minister of the Interior. Later, after the failure of the July conspiracy in 1944,-commander of the reserve army.
Since 1943, Himmler tried in every possible way to reach representatives of foreign special services, trying to bring the war to the Separate World. On the eve of the collapse of the Third Reich, Hitler found out about this and excluded Himmler from the NSDAP, depriving, as a traitor, all the titles and honors. Himmler went to the Danish border, but on May 21, 1945 he was captured by British scouts. He died by accepting the poison.
There are shnaps, there are cigarettes – there are also kind and kindness of the idea of brotherhood officers. Poker? Why not! I only warn – I bluff like the devil!
And I am lucky. Having cleaned both, I get a silver key as a win. What is he for me? And that he opens? Okay, come in handy, maybe. And what brave officers think about the personnel of the castle? And about Himmler? On tests of new weapons? About Anenerbe? What – there are also rituals involved? Yes, all this is strange, I agree … But you are absolutely right – Jews are to blame for everything.
I'll go better I'll look for a suitable door for my new key. And I quickly find one – in the depths of the weapons there is a small door to the generator. But on the way – torture. Very … vile room. In the generator between the two huge units there is a stone similar to the altar. What is Himmler do here? Who to find out? Maybe…
Himmler offers to contact the "you" and carries some nonsense about the book that must be sought by smell. About the great purification and weapons of a universal scale. Psycho. And how he achieved his position?! In general, if I do not see the book, I still do not understand anything. So, we must act risky.
Bad suspicions crept in; I'll look for some inconspicuous weapon better. A simple knife is suitable. In the dining room I throw a napkin on a knife. And then I carefully take a napkin and hide the knife. So all silver from the tables disappears, yes.
Waiting for the darkness, I open the window, pushing with a knife with a jaw. Exactly, there is a cornice. So, the goal has already been half achieved. Waiting until the rays of the spotlights are away from me, I head to the windows of Himmler. I am lucky – there is no one in the bedroom. On the table are various documents, Himmler's diary, book. Here it is! Crap! The water in the bathroom stopped flowing. I am hiding behind the cabinet and pray to God.
Himmler is seriously excited by something, he says to himself. I catch the time from incoherent speeches-tomorrow at half a third in the generator Himmler will produce some kind of ritual over Hitler. Why are they all! The Reich Chancellor goes to another room, and I hurry back to my chambers. We have to wait for tomorrow.
Time flies quickly. At the right time I go down to the basement of the generator. There, under the terrible flashes of a green, Himmler reads that very book for a long time. When this action ended, Hitler scolded his assistant. And in fact, instead of engaging in all kinds of nonsense, it would be better to go to the front, saging in all directions. But I will find out the main thing – tomorrow the Fuhrer flies away.
Here he is, a chance! Flies away – it means that you need to urgently go to the nearest airfield. Victoria is my beloved, it's so nice to deal with you! – Gives a small hint. But the hourly at the entrance to the castle under the pressure of the certificate and urgent need is ready to show the exact location on the map. Great! Wilm, car!
After talking with the guard and again waved a pass, I penetrate the secret object without obstacles. First – hangars. The technician there does not know anything. Ok, now residential premises. There are two technicians in the hut: a gloomy and grumbling Friedrich Shoss and drunk Conrad Shtobb. The first is simply silent, and the second is afraid of the first, but is even more afraid to openly admit it – the elder will kill. Hastily searching both rooms and talking with both, I do not achieve anything. And who, you say, is the same senior? Shtobb slurly mumbles the letter "K".
The guard at the entrance to the airfield immediately understands who I need. Kessler. And he is not here. Urgently returning to the castle.
Angel-saving angel in the image of Victoria points to the same drunken officer by the fireplace. Well, you have to dissect the poor man. And how does he manage to remain drunk so far?! Already a day has passed! And these German officers constantly reproach Russians for unreasonable and unreleased drunkenness?!
Just grabbing a cap of Cessler, I attract his attention. Focus! Which of the techniques of the airfield is suspicious? Shtoss. Thank you. I love to deal with such: direct question – direct answer. Wilm, we are again at the airfield.
This time I have an important advantage – the word Cessler. Shtobb immediately gives his partner – in his room there is a small cache in the floor, he used it when he lived there. Shtoss tries to interfere with a search, but retreats before the crusts of the SS. Shtobb was right – a communist manifesto is found in the cache. Well, Friedrich, lay out.
The mechanic, it turns out, has been dealing with Hitler’s technique for quite some time and can tell a lot of interesting things about his plane, train, car. His hands are golden, so they trust. And what are you, Frederick, conceived this, but? And why? Shtoss is dissatisfied with the war – she took both his sons from him. And he realized that by killing Hitler, he could stop the war. Okay, Friedrich, I will tell you how we will do it. Yes, don't be surprised. There are also patriots in the Gestapo ..
So, we dwell on the option with a bomb. It is impossible to survive after an explosion in the air. It remains only to make this bomb – and this must be done urgently. Here, for example, you can put in this bottle? The second point is tomorrow Shtobb. We'll have to eliminate it.
Everything is simple with the second point – it’s not without reason I came here, I have to report in front of Müller. Still drunk Shtobb did not really understand that I just threw him into the nightstand that very ill -fated manifesto. Sorry, you just get bothering. And with the second it is more difficult, and I can’t do without HEFner's help.
As an organization, anenerbe was formed in July 1935. Its main goal was to study the German spiritual pestory: the charter was “the study of the area, spirit, actions and heritage of the Indo -Germanic, as well as the publication of these research”.
Anenerbe excavated throughout Europe, organized various expeditions. This organization was engaged in extensive esoteric research (spirit, traditions and transmission of the properties of the Nordic race), excavating throughout Germany and the territories controlled by it, also organizing expeditions for Tibet and the Far East.
In wartime, the funding of Anenerbe was reduced, and the tasks were set on the basis of military purposes. Anenerbe also participated in the creation of weapons (FAU-1 and FAU-2), but is better known for her medical research on prisoners. It is also interesting that gifted prisoners of concentration camps helped German scientists. Dr. Pletnener was engaged in the study of Beijing (mainly in the field of use of beekeeper and glucose acid for clinical blood coagulation tests), Professor Hirt conducted experiments on cancer (he first managed to remove a cancer cell using fluorescent microscopy and destroy it with his treatment). Also in Anenerbe, experiments were carried out using Lost gas, as well as experiments with deep freezing of fabrics.
Victoria, connect me with Berlin, RSHA, MULLER. Chief, urgently need a group of attack aircraft – communist literature. Thank you. Glad to try!
Now hefner. Short "Come", disguised under the code phrase. Victoria, you are smart. By the way, you love chocolate, yes? This is not me, although I would very much like, it is from Moltke, the soldier who carries in the courtyard. He repeated your name so soulfully … that? He is an impudent pervert? I'll go … you yourself will call him? Well, I hope I haven't upset you.
While Moltke listens by telephone Victoria's angry tiders, I drag one bunch of TNT from an open box right from under his nose. Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne.
Hefner arrives soon. I meet him in the same courtyard. Officers dangling in the fresh air do not attract attention. And the conversation is very serious. I need a fuse, and Hefner promises to bring it in a few hours. But the trouble is – he drove into his head that he must certainly make a person to personally make Hitler's death. And not stop him. I tried, but to no avail. So, soon hefner will bring the fuse and hide it … Yes, at least in this empty box. Tomorrow, after takeoff, he will personally go to the crash site in order to finish off the Fuhrer if necessary. We say goodbye. Perhaps forever.
While Hefner is fussing with a detonator, you must conjure with a bottle. At the airfield, the technician in the hangar continues to delve into the fighter. While he is busy, I try the strength of the milling machine. Forceps win, and the machine temporarily fails. How much time is required to repair? A couple of hours? I'll come to check!
In the meantime, the detonator is in place. In my room made of TNT and detonator I make a bomb. It seems to fit into the bottle. But it will definitely be bulging. It is necessary to cover with something. Or maybe make an elegant decorative gift from the bomb? Yes, the bachevka from the curtains is perfect – and the bomb from his leisure eyes will hide, and will give the bottle an elegant look of the gift.
A couple of hours have passed for a long time, it's time to go to the airfield. The technician repaired everything for a long time, and now I need to "check" the machine. You can saw off the bottom of this bottle? Well done, praise!
Frederick helps to bring the bomb into the proper form. All preparations are made. I assure the Shossa that tomorrow he will prepare Hitler's plane, which means it all depends on him. Ready to send the Fuhrer to the next world? Great, Friedrich, I believe you.
• • •
During the take -off of Hitler’s aircraft, I call Hefner. He leaves. The plane did not fly far, and the explosion was visible and heard from afar. Hefner managed to make the impossible – he arrived at the crash site first, as promised. And made a control shot in the head of a dying Hitler. Just why the Fuhrer looked so old? And why did the inserted jaw lay nearby?
Soon I found out that the Führer safely reached Berlin by train.