Is He Seeing Someone Else? 16 Signs He’s Still Dating Other People

You simply must accept that he had a choice and decided to go down another road. In the meantime, you probably got jealous because you saw him with another woman and now you’re blaming it all on him. If you’ve figured out that your guy is actually trying to make you his backup plan, then you know what you should do. Don’t give him a chance to even think you’d be willing to accept this treatment.

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This alone isn’t enough evidence that he’s talking to someone else, but combined with other signs, you might be on red alert. He doesn’t want you to assume that he’ll be with you for the rest of your life but plays with your feelings to make you stay and give him what he wants. They go out on dates regularly with the person that they are seeing. They may attend lunches, dinners, movies or other activities that people in relationships typically enjoy. They often attend parties together and spend time alone at home together watching movies or hanging out.

You just have to distance yourself from the guy before it gets to that point where you can’t get him off your mind. I can assure you from experience that hanging around or maintaining close ties with a crush can invariably culminate into you having an affair. No need to beat yourself up about it and get all confused, just make sure it remains a fantasy, cause if you act on those stray feelings, you’ll be compromising your relationship.

He doesn’t want her to see him with you any more than he wants you to see her and sense a connection. If he’s on the up and up, he’ll listen and maturely address your concerns, but if he claims you’re just being paranoid, chances are you’re not paranoid, and you’re right. Guilt is a great motivator when a guy buys gifts for a woman. This isn’t to say that the occasional spray of flowers is a sign of guilt, or that a guy who brings you the occasional favorite donut and coffee is stepping out on you. Overprotectiveness of his phone, mistakenly calling you the other person’s name, being less available, and generally being distracted when he’s with you, are dead giveaways.

There are gaps in his schedule that he doesn’t account for. When you ask what he did last night, he mumbles something about going to sleep early (but you saw him “liking” photos on Instagram at 2 AM). You feel like you’re being too invasive…but you know what? If he can’t give them to you, then he’s hiding something. You’ve been dating a man for a few weeks, and while you think it’s going okay, you find yourself looking for signs he is talking to someone else.

“Many people lament having invested a great deal of time, effort and even money is situationships that proved to be fruitless.” So i (30F) am seeing/dating this guy (33M) for a month now (still very early). We are still getting to know eachother and going on dates to see if we are compatible. That said, we spend like 5 days together a week since two weeks ago. But today when we were texting about trust and how to proceed this talking/dating stage, he said that he will go on a date later this week with a girl he met awhile ago on Tinder. But in his words he said that he’s just curious to meet her and to see her in real.

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Don’t allow yourself to be in denial when you get a nagging feeling that something is not quite right. When they change, it means there has been a shift in her thinking. All changes in behavior patterns indicate an internal decision.

Always assume they are seeing other people, especially this early. As a guy, when I’m dating for a relationship, the point at which I want to ask if they are seeing other people is typically after a couple months, and we’ve been sleeping together. If the person I’m trying to date seriously tells me they are sleeping with other guys after a couple months of dating me, I’m out.

This is a great strategy to find out if a man is genuinely interested or just likes texting. Now’s the time to tune into what makes you tick so you can start focusing your energy on something productive. Perhaps you can revisit an old hobby you once enjoyed or try something new entirely — anything that “conjures a sense of excitement, meaning, or passion,” as Seely put it.

Suddenly her new man won’t seem as perfect to her as he once did and she will become open to hanging out with you more to see how she feels. If you honestly want your ex back, don’t wait until you and her have become two very different people to try and make it happen, because it will probably be too late for you then. Don’t waste months assuming that you’re doing the right thing by contacting her, while she is happily moving on and enjoying life without you. If she feels like she is over him and wants to move on, or is happily moving on, she will rarely go back to an ex just because he didn’t contact her. It’s simply the woman reaching out to say hi and see if he’s okay, or her reaching out to see if he is still missing her and wanting her back. The more you make her feel attracted to you, the more she will want to be your girl again, or at least hook up with you again to see how she feels.

However, if you started noticing some distance growing between the both of you all of a sudden, there’s a probability that your partner is seeing other people. Although there may be other reasons for this distance like stress from work, family issues, a personal crisis, etc. So be sure to ask him before you jump to conclusions. If you’re insignificant to him, it will show in his actions. You won’t be able to call him whenever you need him, he won’t be dependable.

Otherwise, the guy must be sugarcoating the fact that he just played with the others. Luckily, there are some signs you can look for that tell you what the other person is feeling without you having to ask outright. It does not take long before couples who are seeing each other become exclusive, provided that as they continue to get to know each other better they realize that they are compatible. Remember that honesty in this conversation will get you much further along in feeling heard and respected as you grow your relationship. Once you decide to be exclusive with a man, it can be difficult to find out that he was intimate with another woman while you two had dated.

So whatever he’s doing, if you don’t feel good about it, you’re entirely within your rights to express your frustration and even end the relationship. Cancellation of plans is disappointing especially if it comes from your partner. There may be valid reasons, but validity can’t cover up the little pain of suspending your excitement. If he knows how to truly love, whether it’s in the past or present, then he knows that there’s no such thing as loving less or loving much.

Pisces may be seeing other women besides you if there’s no intimacy between you two. PDA, and other emotional moves he has in his arsenal. Even if things are still new between you two, he’s going to make an effort to let you alternatives to smooch know he likes you through touching. Romance and affection are very important to Pisces when he’s in a relationship. Sure, he’s a big advocate for quiet time and being alone, but he’s also pretty plugged into technology.