We are pleased to announce our collaboration with e-Acore Pte Ltd, Singapore for the launch of the e-Consulting platform, a unique cloud-based online platform that enables effective remote consulting. The key features of the platform include the provision to customize project stages and tasks, project milestone monitoring, a document centre including document sharing facilities, client-consultant query management, chat facilities, client-consultant appointment set-up including zoom integrated remote meeting facilities, automated milestone-based invoicing, invoice status monitoring, dashboard with key statistics and key actions traceability.
The platform should serve as excellent support for every individual or organisation engaged in the provisions of consultancy services. The capability of the platform is not limited to management system consultancy services. It is available to anyone keen to offer their consultancy in an efficient and cost-effective manner, without the hassles of travel, loss of travel time etc.

Please contact shaji@aretesolution.com for more details or to arrange a demo.