The Stages of Change Model of Overcoming Addiction

stages of alcoholic recovery

Maybe if more patients saw their addiction as being as serious as a heart attack, they would be more concerned about keeping up with medical treatment and therapy. Your doctor may also prescribe medications that can reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Vivitrol (naltrexone), Campral (acamprosate), and Antabuse (disulfiram) have been FDA-approved to treat alcohol use disorder. If you have been drinking heavily and chronically, it is also a good idea to have your detox medically supervised to minimize your risk of potentially dangerous withdrawal complications. Some people with an alcohol addiction make their way through the stages of alcohol recovery in order, but more commonly, people bounce back and forth from one stage to another. Most people will go through the stages of recovery three to four times before completing the cycle successfully.

What is the Jellinek Curve in Addiction and Recovery?

stages of alcoholic recovery

Addiction treatment facilities can provide a safe, compassionate place to detox and undergo treatment that will help you build a solid base for a healthy, sober life. In this stage of addiction recovery, a person does not acknowledge that their drinking is a problem, and they have no intention of seeking treatment anytime soon. They may defend their behaviors and deny that their addiction has negatively affected them or their loved ones. Typically, a person progresses out of the pre-contemplation stage when a major life change or continued pressure from loved ones forces them to acknowledge the detrimental effects of their drinking.

Is addiction a disease?

stages of alcoholic recovery

It’s important to note that alcohol withdrawal can be potentially life-threatening, and therefore, should be done under medical supervision. During this stage, it is helpful to reach out to a trusted healthcare professional, counselor, or support group who can provide guidance and support. These professionals can help individuals navigate the complexities of addiction and guide them towards suitable treatment options. Acceptance also means acknowledging the potential consequences of continued alcohol abuse, such as worsening health, damaged relationships, and legal or financial troubles. It involves embracing the fact that seeking help and embarking on the journey to sobriety is the best course of action.

What is the recovery timeline for alcohol addiction?

stages of alcoholic recovery

The key is cultivating new goals and taking measures to move towards them. The motivational force of new goals eventually helps rewire the brain so that it has alternatives to the drive for drugs. It’s hard to leave addiction behind without constructing a desirable future. In addition, self-care is a vital foundation for a healthy new identity. At the very least, self-care should include sleep hygiene, good nutrition, and physical activity.

Stage Four: Action

  • Digital therapeutics has the additional benefit of keeping you connected at all times to your doctor through your ongoing progress.
  • During this stage, most people focus their energy on coping with cravings and resisting the urge to drink.
  • You’ll find that what you’re experiencing is normal, and most likely, an indicator of progress towards treating alcohol dependency (even if it doesn’t feel that way yet).
  • AUD affects people from all walks of life, parts of the world, socioeconomic statuses, and career paths.
  • It may feel strange and even empty to be living life without your addiction.

It allows individuals to address underlying psychological and emotional issues that may have contributed to their addiction. Through recovery, individuals can develop healthier coping mechanisms, build resilience, and pave the way for a brighter future. Sometimes people in this stage do show up for addiction treatment, but it’s not by their own volition. Typically, it’s because family, friends, an employer or perhaps a court has forced them into treatment. Unfortunately, treatment is often ineffective at this stage because individuals simply don’t believe they have a drinking problem. It’s unlikely that a person in this stage would even be interested in information about alcoholism.

Eating Healthy Foods

With excessive alcohol consumption, this important organ can’t metabolize Vitamin D, which could develop into a deficiency. Some common signs and symptoms of cirrhosis include fatigue, itchy skin, weight loss, nausea, yellow eyes and skin, abdominal pain and swelling or bruising. Experts acknowledge addiction’s multifaceted nature, encompassing physiological, psychological, and social components. A strong support system, adherence to an after-care plan, a recovery-friendly environment, and seeking help during stress reduce the risk of relapse. Science indicates that triggers such as people, places, things, moods, and drug exposure play significant roles.

stages of alcoholic recovery

Symptoms of Alcohol Detox

Hearing stories of individuals who have successfully overcome addiction and rebuilt their lives can be incredibly inspiring. These stories remind individuals that recovery is possible and that they are not alone in their struggles. Prolonged abstinence along with healthy eating and exercise during this stage can also allow people to begin recovery from liver damage. Contemplation can be an uncomfortable process, and feelings of guilt, shame, hopelessness and desperation are common as people reach this crossroads in their addiction journey.

Getting Sober: Finding Treatment for Alcohol Abuse and Recovery

Remember that alcohol use disorder is a medical condition, with a medical solution. Seeking online alcohol treatment is an act of self-care, and something to be proud stages of alcoholic recovery of. With a Care Team dedicated to you, your alcohol recovery timeline will begin to crystalize as you learn more about yourself and undergo enriching changes.

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