Everything regarding.

You may know about the sensitive area on the inside of the hips or under the knees. But do you know where the male point G is located? Now try to reveal the sensual potential of the “divine” sacral rhombus. Here is a small (and far from exhaustive) lesson of erogenous anatomy.

Doctors distinguish two types of erogenous zones: primary and secondary. The primary zones are called so because their stimulation causes an orgasm. These include a penis (especially its head) in men, vagina and clitoris in women. Stimulation of secondary erogenous zones does not directly lead to orgasm, but causes a wide variety of pleasant sensations and thereby contribute to its occurrence. Women have more erogenous zones than men, but their sensitivity is purely individual. Nevertheless, in order to be susceptible to all kinds of caresses, and men and women need to first find out the potential of pleasure every part of the body possesses. We will make an erotic journey through an anatomical atlas.

Whatever preliminary affection, bodily or figurative (fantasies, dreams), to achieve an orgasm, the participation of the brain is necessary. More precisely, the participation of several of its regions and above all the limbic system, which controls emotions.


The stomach, from the navel to the pubis, is the part of the body, which is pleasant to touch, because it leads down to the genitals. To increase pleasure in men and women, it makes sense to linger here longer, intentionally avoiding touches in the genital area.


The small network of nerve fibers makes it very sensitive to caresses. The most erogenous zone is a corolla – a fold of skin separating the head from the body of the penis. Manual or oral caresses can be extended to the scrotum – bags in which testicles are located, which will only strengthen pleasure.


She is the subject of erotic fantasies, and her contemplation sometimes excites no less than tactile or oral contact with her. But the chest itself is an active erogenous zone. When it is caressed or biting, an erection of the nipple occurs, which in some women can cause an orgasm. In men, nipples are also a sensitive zone: many people like the partner to bite or pinch them during sex.

Lips and tongue form an erogenous zone of paramount significance. On the one hand, we can feel the taste of a https://nailxinhvip.com.vn/lop-ve-gel-cao-cap/ partner with a language. On the other hand, a kiss – it is easy or deep – sets the intensity of love contact.

The area around the eyes and nose, as well as the forehead, eyebrows and chin are rarely involved in caresses that precede the love act. And in vain: these zones are very susceptible to touches and are able to strengthen excitement.

Clitoris and vagina

According to sexologists, all women are able to experience a clitoral orgasm. Everyone also has a physiological opportunity to achieve vaginal orgasm, but not every woman experiences it. Often this ability arises with experience, when a woman already knows her body better, more precisely, she represents her desires and is easier to enjoy. Cliteric orgasm is usually described as a shorter and local, while vaginal is characterized by a greater depth and a spread area.

Point G

It is also called the Grafenberg zone, named with an American doctor who described it in the 50s of the last century. It is located 4-5 cm from the entrance to the vagina on its front wall. The fabric of this zone is different from the neighboring ones – more dense and wrinkled, like soft walnuts. Stimulation of the point G can cause an orgasm at the moment of which in some women a colorless fluid that resembles male discharge is released from this zone. In part, therefore, some scientists consider the point G of the female analogue of the prostate.


It is very difficult for men to get to this gland on their own: it is located near the initial section of the urethra, under the bladder. To stimulate it, the partner needs to enter a finger (with grease) into the anus and move along the wall of the rectum to a small protruding area the size of a walnut. To cause an orgasm, it is necessary for a long time to massage the prostate with movements directed from top to bottom. To enhance sensations, you can combine the stimulation of the prostate and penis.

There are two features that can make them with an erogenous zone: the thin skin of the lobes that attracts kisses and affection, and the auricle created to capture the confessions and breath of the partner.


It is located between the anus and the genitals and therefore has a special sensitivity. Especially in men: massaging this area, we simultaneously stimulate the prostate.


The erogenous nature of the buttocks is explained by their proximity to the genitals, as well as the presence of many nerve endings in them, which directly lead to the nerve centers responsible for sexuality. Women’s buttocks are one of those parts of the body that men primarily pay attention to. And for many, it is with them that the recollection of the first sexually colored and ambivalent feelings, suffering and pleasure that arose from a spacing on the pope is associated.

It is formed by two valve transition devices – sphincters. We can control the external, that is, to compress and unclench it, but we do not control the internal. He leads to the rectum, which contains more nerve endings compared to the vagina, but, unlike it, does not emit lubricants. Therefore, for painless penetration into the anus, a partner needs to show special tenderness and provide good grease. For women, anal sex can be supplemented with clitoris with caresses. Orgasm can be caused by psychological excitement from this double stimulation and the thought of a violation of the ban or in a more mechanical way, due to the stimulation of point G through the wall of the rectum. As for men, some of them like the stimulation of the anus with a finger. The back of the head

As in the upper back, sensations of stress and fatigue often accumulate in it. Therefore, the soothing massage of this area will be very helpful. After it, energy begins to circulate along the spine, and the body relaxes.

Sacrifice rhombus, or rhombus Michaelis

This “divine rhombus” is located in the sacrum, between the lower edge of the large spinal muscles and the upper edge of the glute. In its central part, the skin is very delicate and covered with a light fluff. Caresses in this sensitive area cause a desire. Continue them.


In women and men, the inner thighs are covered with thin skin, extremely sensitive to touch. Moreover, the erogenous genital zone is very close, so that when stroking the hips, they are involved in the process of excitement.

Feet and fingers

If you have ever done your feet massage, you are familiar with the feeling of reassurance that he delivers. Massaging certain points on the soles, we have a mild effect on various areas of the body. But for this you need not to spare time for a detailed tactile study of your partner.

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